ECHA has updated its recommendations to help companies improve their registration dossiers and has added more advice on using read-across and weight of evidence.

ECHA has further developed its recommendations to registrants on how they can improve their registrations, based on observations during compliance checks and following recent changes in information requirements under REACH.

The improvements particularly concern rules for adaptations such as how to apply read-across and weight of evidence, or combine the two approaches. These approaches should be used to fulfil legal requirements without further testing on animals if they can be justified in a robust manner.

The recommendations also cover suggestions on how to address a read-across between substances of unknown or variable composition, complex reaction products or of biological materials (UVCBs) as well as additional advice on dose setting for toxicity testing.

Registrants should check the amended REACH annexes as well as the latest recommendations and make their dossiers comply with the information requirements, where needed.

Full article: ECHA/NR/22/05

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